Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

PES 2012 Tools | OPTPiX ImageStudio 3.1.2a

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De facto standard for game development
The vital importance derived from hardware spec limitations; the necessities of high image quality and its minimal data size for game creation, calls for maximum quality color reduction at all times.
OPTPiX iMageStudio fulfills such demanding requisites and became the de fact standard graphics tool for all game platforms.

Exceptionally functional our original algorithm for color reduction
Incomparable with other graphics tools with color reducer, OPTPiX iMageStudio has been fully employed for competitive game development. Realizing fine quality image color reduction from full color to 32 and/or 16 colors and 256 colors color reduction in particular, Web Technology Corp. has been providing high quality images to game graphic artists.

Hasil dari Photoshop

Hasil dari OPTPiX ImageStudio


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