Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012

PES 2013 Tools | PeSBoX 2013 Demo EA Player Editor v.1.1 by Ercan Ayan

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.NET Framework 4.0 

About Players
İmport Face and Hair to dtoc.img
Player İmport & Export
Player Import Pes 2012 Wild Editor Player File
Edit Player Name
Edit Basic Settings
Face & Hair Relink
Edit Accessories
Edit Motion
Edit Position
Edit Special Skill Cards
Edit Basic Ability
Adjust Ability
Edit Body Settings

How to use
  1. open exe
  2. open dt04.img
  3. select player mode ( match mode, copa mode ) because they have diffrent files.
  4. select any player
  5. make changes
  6. click apply changes
  7. after finish your works, file/save
  8. that's finish

How to import Face or Hair
  1. select any player
  2. relink face id and hair id
  3. open dt0c.img
  4. drag & drop face or hair file on white panel
  5. click import files to dt0c.img
  6. apply changes
  7. save
  8. finish

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